Not quite as catchy.
Let's recap a banner year in the life of a Lolly, yes?
January- Began a five month production process with Dog & Pony Theatre for their critically acclaimed "As Told By the Vivian Girls." Understudied all seven female leads. Optimistically thought this would be a nice, easy project to stay in the game whilst planning a wedding. And Chance's baby sis Scout Delilah was born, bringing my total kiddos to five- a nice, good nanny number. Also, MY baby sis Emma visited!
February- My nephew Cole Sebastian was born! I visited him later in the month and cried for a week after I left him. Also, I joined Chicago Dramatists as a Network Playwright and wrote my first piece for Instant Theatre.
March- My twin sibs Rachel and Emily turned 21. While the previous ages had not delayed the availability of alcohol, it was celebrated nonetheless. I went to Boston for a bridal shower fit for a princess [Lolly] with a bachelorette to boot! Attended Coltrane's christening the next morning- feelin' fine, thank you- (with Peej as his godpappy.) This month also marked my second with Chicago Dramatists and Instant Theatre, this time as a featured playwright at the Museum of Contemporary Art! Woot! Also, I became a Catholic. This is quite important to note as it also meant the addition of the name Magdalene into my moniker. I love new names.
April- Bachelorette with the Chicago gals! Keep in mind that the gargantuan Dog & Pony show was STILL rehearsing... every night at this point. Plus, our apartment was awash in stationary samples and bridal paraphernalia. Like open bottles of whiskey. Also, I wrote for Instant Theatre again. (Hey, a good gig's a good gig.)
May- The show finally opened! I performed! I also managed to get hitched to a guy who way surpassed my adolescent hopes and dreams- seriously, if P.J. had been an 80s heartthrob, he'd have been postered between Def Leppard and Jonathan Brandis. Had never been to Virgin Gorda either, so that trip was pretty spectacular. And I got a new last name- after much discussion I decided to keep my middle name, my Catholic name AND my maiden name as a new middle, making me...royalty, I'm pretty sure.
June- 28, baby! Awesome garden party (complete with home-grown strawberries). Got health insurance and a REAL doctor (wow). Went back to Instant Theatre and basically enjoyed the beginning of my first married summer, i.e., camp. And, you know, I started a blog.
July- Summerdance! Movies in Grant Park! Street fests, garden parties, and sleeping bag stargazing in the backyard. Cape Cod with the Flynn fam and, on the way back- MEETING THE BAND SURVIVOR IN THE AIRPORT. As you do. Followed up with a trip to Wisconsin for a Schoeny lakeside weekend and a trip to SEE BOSTON IN CONCERT. And Styx.
August- "Prom" with Nat and Rachael on a cruise from Navy Pier! Glamoroo, much? Wrote for Instant Theatre again, as well as performed in a one-act play opposite P.J. for 20% Theatre at Strawdog. It was about zombies. But it was also about love. Also, my new niece was born! Miss Mary Claire Schoeny, belle of North Carolina.
September- Held our first ever yard sale and made BANK- quite possibly from selling everything we valued as "nice" before the wedding. Saw Andrew Bird in concert and rocked out. Wrote another piece for Instant Theatre as well as a novella for Donald Bellisario. Yes. Plus, added a 2-year old gal named Morgan on my Jack-Jack days, bringing my weekly count of babies up to six! (Okay, this is getting ridiculous.)
October- Took a master class at Chi Dramatists with Mia McCullough and became a MUCH better playwright (I like to think so, anyhow). Traveled to Pittsfield for the benefit concert of which my Dad is the bandleader. Rocked out. And P.J. turned lucky number 27! We dressed up for Halloween and gave out candy to trick or treaters as well as thousands of bikers. Seriously.
November- Big sis Kate turned 30 in Boston! P.J. and I celebrated by seeing Martin Sexton in concert in Chicago. Also, playwriting classes must have paid off, because I was chosen to be the first featured playwright for Local 75 through Chicago Dramatists. Home for Thanksgiving with the Flynns and attended a nutso 10 year reunion. Also, finished another full length play. A GOOD month.
December- Back with Instant Theatre! Enjoyed the heck out of prepping for Christmas with P.J. and our Chi friends this year: mammoth tree, ugly sugar cookies, Sex & the City night with Kat and Annie (what- it's festive!) Had an amazing Christmas week with the Schoenys in Cincy and am loving the bejeezus out of my new grey Anthropologie boots from my thoughtful husband (You know, the ones that were sold out? And then the ones that I found and put a hold on? And the ones that suddenly "disappeared" from the store? That he knew nothing about? Yeah, those.) Also, as far as rad gifts go, my Sirius satellite radio from my folks has saved no less than three longer than average treks across the midwest- the last through an ice storm, making the Cincy drive (usually 5 hours) a whopping 11.5. Feliz Navidad! Or, as my nephew Quinn puts it- Police Navidog! This month also brought us our first new home- Albany Park, here we come!
Good times all around. And now? I'm getting ready to go play with some of my best friends in the world, in one of my favorite cities in the universe, listening to the best radio station ever broadcast onto speakers- Hair Nation.
(Happy 2009, everyone!)