Thursday, August 14, 2008


Wow, this is so special. My li'l blog (read= writing exercise that's supposed to inspire the rest of my writing but instead has become an actual measure of my productivity) has 1000 hits on the counter! Well, let's just go to the SiteMeter website and see who the lucky reader was! Okay...Aug. 14th...that's today! 7:46:55am...ooh, early this morning...provider was, I think I know where this is going.

Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Hi Mom.

(Your grand prize is getting to clear the attic of all my dolls, trolls, ponies and journals! Which you were doing anyhow!)

On a completely unrelated note (that should be the new title- forget lollygag blog) I have a new ad on my Facebook page. I've enjoyed seeing the random ads matched up with random photos- for example, "Wanna be a model?" with a photograph of Natalie Portman. Um, okay. "Hot new diet- I lost 30 pounds!" with a picture of Paris Hilton. No she didn't. But my favorite is today's ad- the caption reads "Host a foreign student in your home!" The picture? Nick Jonas. (I think it was Nick Jonas. Whichever Jonas brother has the broody look and the curly hair. You know the one.) And what land is he representing?

I'm totally gonna call. I could give him a good home...and I'll write about it on this very blog! I'll show him a thing or two about the American Dream. (Oh, that sounds threatening.) I didn't mean that, Nick Jonas, I just meant that I'd take you to DQ or something. Please be our foreign baby!

More on this as it develops.


Wilder said...

I don't visit your blog, but I read every entry via RSS. Just so you know. That count hit 1000 a long time ago, if you count readin'.t

ajay said...


Please start posting every day. It will do wonders for my morale at the office.


coolchange58 said...

maybe it was another fan.. actually, it had to be, as I am an official gmail girl.. x

Hope tonight's show went well, love you, M

thesaurasaurus said...

You guys should totally host a foreign exchange student. I mean, you hosted me, and I wasn't even pretending not to speak English. Whoa. That would actually be a totally interesting way to get some cheap yearly housing if I ever need to do that again.