Monday, August 25, 2008

Finishing this one up in time for Law & Order...(that should have been my major.)

Yesterday P.J. and I celebrated the all-too-important and far-too-uncelebrated three month anniversary. They always say the first three months of marriage are the hardest. (Okay, no one has ever said that. It's more along the lines of "If you don't adore the bejeebers out of each other now, you're toast in fifteen years.") So, to celebrate we saw that famed love story The Mummy 3. And it was exactly what it purported to be, so we liked it. A few things in particular that I dug:

-Yetis. I would LOVE a Yeti. They are so helpful and cute!

-That move where two people join hands and simultaneously leap and kick. It seems like you'd need to talk that one through but no one in the movie ever does. I'll let you know in personal trials.

-The fact that you can say "Well, it's a long, hard trip to Shangrila" and in the next breath (and frame) say, "Well, we made it!"

To follow up the movie we went to Kaze, my super favorite restaurant (I realize I say that a lot but I mean it this time. Truly.) We had a gift certificate. It's easier to have tons of favorites that way. I'm not going into crazy detail because I do not wish for everyone to go there. Can one be possessive of a sushi joint? Yes. I WILL tell you about the dessert, though, which was a sweetened asparagus pudding with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla swirled dipping sauces- I'm pretty sure we made fools of ourselves licking the plate.

I'll end on a completely superficial note, if that's cool. (Like the rest of this post has been a dissertation on something biochemical. I can't give an example...that's how bad things are.) I was pushing the double stroller (the double-wide) down Grace at Damen when I saw one of the female bartenders from Xippo come outside. She was superbly tall and leggy with perfectly long hair. You know what I mean. The kind of gal you glance at and think "No matter what on Earth I do, I will never even look like her cousin." As we passed, however, she stopped me. She looked down at the two year-olds and then back up at me.

"I'm so sorry, I have to ask...are they yours?"

I assured her that I was the nanny and she laughed.

"Oh my God, I was gonna say...I mean, look at you! You look incredible!"

Awesome. I don't care if she thinks I look good for having recently had twins or otherwise, I look INCREDIBLE. Which just proves that no woman is happy with how she looks and is always glancing at other females in envy.

And also...God bless Core Rhythms.


coolchange58 said...

so true.. and btw, you do look incredible.

I will always think so... no matter what.. ;)

( I love the muuy movies.. I know!! but I do..)

Anonymous said...

You always look amazing, even if you are still doing that silly core rhythms animation.

AND! Today I was pushing my own double-wide around the streets of Boston with my two littles and I passed by a woman (probably in her 70s) so I said hello. She said hi back and we kept going. After I has already passed her she yelled out 'I assume you must be the babysitter?'

I looked back at her and said: "Nope, I'm the mom!" and kept going and laughed. She said "Oh!"

I am still muddling through what she meant by that. Do I look incredible, as in your story? Was I doing something negligent that would lead her to think I was a bad caretaker and couldn't be the parent? (I don't think so.) Did I look inexperienced? Perhaps I just look amazingly young to have two boys in tow. ;)

Either way, HA.

I'm glad you posted about this because I had forgotten to email the fam about it. And now I've shared. :)

thesaurasaurus said...

Maybe I should get a double-wide stroller and put some realistic looking dolls in it and wander around -- strangers would tell me that I look hot. As opposed to now, when it's mostly just construction workers yelling at me to take off my shirt.
You both DO look hot, by the way.

ajay said...

Is this bartender single?

Nat Thongchai said...

If I had a dollar for everytime I've been called someone's dad lately.. I'd be rich I tell you!