Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vacation + Blogging= Vlog!

(That IS what it stands for, yeah?)

So, in light of the fact that I am currently in Napa for the wedding of two darling's something kinda sorta completely different.

A Vlog that Nora and I recorded last week. You're welcome. And...if you hate it...

...I'm sorry. (But you won't.)

love, Keely
(p.s. This is the most still my child has ever been. Ever.)


coolchange58 said...

Very cute, we are going for a snooze soon, glad we saw this first though! Have fun x

thesaurasaurus said...

Oh Nora is such a Veejay in the Making!!

Have so much fun in Napa. I can't wait to hang with you, the Peej, and your child someday soon when you're back. Give Annie my love too.


macteel!! (Is that a Scottish paisley component? A domesticated bird wearing a kilt? Let your readers be the judge!)

Annie C said...

I hope the "Bayside Twills" are referencing Bayside High. Because that's pretty much how my khakis looked in 4th grade. Totes hot.