Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does Mickey D's deliver?

Poor abandoned kid, living in a milk crate.
First things first: happiest of birthdays to one of my oldest pals (in years of closeness, that is, not oldest-living-friend.) We love you, Auntie Jen! Test the waters o' 31 for me, I'll be there in a couple of months.

Now. For the serious news.

P.J. has left me.

For four days.

And it's...weird. Quite weird. At first, I panicked. You mean I hafta do all of this alone? Feed and bathe and entertain Nora, not to mention single-handedly bulldoze the trails of trolls and miniature bears?

What about dinner?

Who was gonna set the alarm?


This fear kept me paralyzed for a good...fifteen minutes into Wednesday morning. Then it hit me. What the heck do I do on Wednesdays with P.J., anyhow? Basically, my daily routine wouldn't change until dinner- which, coincidentally, is my dealie anyway- and bath would be a solo affair. Well, kinda. And sure, meal cleanup would be on me, as would the bulldozing and toddler-wrangling...

...But as P.J. pointed out, I use less dishes than him. I'd probably get a little too used to how clean the house remained. And I certainly wouldn't have any gigantic clothing to wash (why are men's clothing so ridiculously heavy in the washer and dryer? Give me a baby's onesie any day).

This did not stop me from starting a load of laundry at 7am- not my "normal" time. (I usually only do laundry under duress. Like when all the hampers are busting at the sides. Or when Nora is wearing a sundress in March.) I was so impressed at my impressiveness that I did another load. And all of the hand-washing (which had been hanging out for way too long *coughOctobercough*). I scoured the kitchen immediately after Nora had had her breakfast- instead of whining about it right before lunch. I even made breakfast for myself- and ATE it!

It felt like I was going for a medal, like someone was gonna step in and congratulate me on that day for all of the things I do on a normal morning. And, frankly, that I often do for other families during the weekdays. (But- her husband is traveling, the amazed spectators shouted. And she even refilled the cats' water bowls before they died of thirst!)

I have friends whose husbands travel for work- a lot. And friends with husbands overseas (which brings its own share of awfulness). I've seen how hard that can be. And this isn't that. This isn't hard. It's just...weird.

It's like the absence of my husband makes all of the things I do- without a second glance or thought- seem like Playing House. Each action seems deliberate and with an air of seriousness.

I flossed my teeth this morning. Because the house was clean and the laundry put away and it seemed like something grownup and "in charge" to do.

My sister put it to me best when she said that these are the things you do when you realize there's NO backup coming. No cavalry. And I think she's right. Tasks I would've saved for after Nora fell asleep when it would be "easier" are just sorta being done. (Purposefully, as if for an audience, but DONE nonetheless.)

I do not, however, enjoy falling asleep without P.J. Sure, it happens all the time, but that's usually because he's face down in some couch laundry, working late at his laptop, or Netflixing a war epic that I'd really hate. But he generally comes up to bed sooner or later. After taking out the trash and setting the alarm and [inexplicably] shutting off the hall night light. (Hey! Some of us need that light for multiple bathroom trips. No names, but maybe that same person just saw a particularly creepy episode of Ghost Adventures.)

And it's the oddest thing. But when he's not sleeping next to me, my body somehow knows. When he IS there, I sleep through the night and miss the early peeps from our daughter's baby monitor. When he isn't? I wake up every fifteen minutes and smack his pillow. (Perhaps it's best that he's not there.) Most irritatingly of all, each of these wake-ups ensures another potty break. So that's fun.

If he must travel (and since he's already left it looks like he just might) I'll be a big girl and set the alarm by myself. And maybe- just maybe- take out the trash. Yeah, sure, there might be a light left on upstairs...but that's just smart. And I'll do my darndest to not consume any beverages after 6pm...and I'll try to sleep soundly through the night.

But the first weird noise gets a Louisville Slugger to the face first, questions second.

And if they seem innocuous enough, they can take out the recycling.

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Hannah said...

Aw, this kind of makes me smile, because I get that way too on the rare occasions my husband needs to go out of town. Plus, I have to relearn how to set the coffeemaker every time, so I guess it's an educational experience too.

coolchange58 said...

I remember when my husband (you know him) had to travel to Germany when I was pregnant with twins. My two older children were a great help but I got to thinking, wow, I have to do all of this by myself. I did quickly realize that there was a sense of accomplishment that comes when you realize you can do it. Do it well, easily and a lot quicker. But it certainly is nice when they come home and snuggle next to you at night, even if they snore.

Karinya said...

Hah, this was a lovely entry.

I was a single mom until fairly recently, so I'm sort of going through the opposite-- I will get to the point where I'm almost literally pulling my hair out with frustration, too much work, the baby being too crazy, the to-do list spilling out onto the third page, etc etc -- before I remember that, oh yeah, I have someone I can ask to help me now.

Anyway, hope you and the husband have a sweet reunion!

-Karinya @ Unlikely Origins

Karen said...

Coming to you via SITS. My husband traveled a lot when our kids were small. When they were out of diapers and in school all day he finally got a job where travel wasn't routine-figures, as soon as things got easier.

I do feel for you though, you don't realize how much your husband does until he's away for a few days. I suppose that's a good thing.

Karen@WaistingTime said...

Came by from SITS. So sweet that you'll miss him. I have to admit that I enjoy the rare times I have the house and bed to myself:)

Margaret Almon said...

Isn't weird how a person can be such a presence, even when most of your day is the same when they are gone? My husband goes on an 8 day silent retreat every year. I'm getting better at being present during that time, and doing things I want to do. I used to get very little sleep when he was gone, but he calls each night to say goodnight now, and I can fall asleep.

Morgan said...

My hubby's out for the weekend ... so I can relate :) Who will feed the dog? and make the coffee? and get up with the kids? :) Yep ... I'm spoiled!

Enjoy your SITS day :)

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

Love your blog and vlog! I'm with you on the mom jeans. They've got to go, whether they're relaxed, casual...

Ericka @ Creative Liar said...

Oh man, I remember when the trash can getting full would paralyze me. Utterly paralyze me. Saying hi from SITS! :)

Tina @ Girl Meets Globe said...

I hate the idea of my hubby traveling, wondering how I am going to do it all when I realize I do so much without him already! =P

Enjoy your SITS spotlight! =)

Encore Bride said...

I sympathize with you, every time my husband leaves I have to remind myself that I do have to eat something other than ice cream from the container, and I do have to comb my hair, etc, etc.....I'm way too pathetic when he's not around.

Happy SITS weekend!

Kimberly said...

:) Great post!

Visiting from SITS!

Makin It Work Mom said...

Congratulations on your SITS spotlight. I also get super efficient when my hubby travels. And then spend the evening patting myself on the back!

Selena and Anna said...

Happy SITS day. Enjoyed this post because even though we, as mothers, do a lot it is stil hard to do it on our own!!! Seems so daunting our own but very possible:-) Makes me appreciate single mothers a lot more!

Trish said...

I panic every time my husband is going out of town. But it is never, ever as bad as I think it will be! In fact, it often goes better than when he is here! I think the kids know not to push Mama when Big Daddy's not around.

Rach said...

Oh my goodness, I'm like this and we don't even have kids yet, haha! It's funny how dependent you can get on another person and not realize it until they are gone.

Tracy@Beauty Reflections said...

Happy SITS Day!!
Haha-this post made me laugh. My husband travels all the time for work-being gone a weekend, a few days, 2 weeks and occasionally a month at a time. It's been that way for 14 years. I don't like it, but I've gotten used to it. And the one good thing is that I've become is a pretty independent person! But I do like when he's back and can loaf the dishwasher. :)

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

There are ups and downs to having the hubs out. I sleep easier and worry less about meal-making. But, I also hate taking out the trash, and also waking early with the maniac

Caren with a "C" said...

Happy SITS Day! I feel the same way when my husband is gone on business. Everything is left to me so things get done. No backup is coming. Shutting down the house for the night took a little to get used to though. Single mom life though is not fun in the long run. I appreciate all the things he does for me.

Stephanie Faris said...

I know how you feel. My husband had to work today and it was weird having the house to myself. I like it, but I missed him! I always hate when he goes on overnight trips and I have to sleep alone. It feels weird.

Eliz Frank said...

Happy SITS Day! the great thing about his absence is his return will be a sweet reunion. Enjoy your alone time with the little one.:-)

Anonymous said...

I wish every food place and grocery store delivered. I'm super lazy.

I'm stopping by from SITS. :)

ElizOF said...

Happy SITS Day! I loved the video you made on the LLBean pants and this post is very sweet... You are right that we become so dependent on others... nice thing is his return will be sweeter.

KDC Events said...

My hubs is absent every night, so when he is there, it's like vacation for me!! Visiting from sits!!

Christine said...

You mean there are other houses with couch laundry, too?! Hurray.

I never sleep as well without the hubs,either. He works night shifts so usually it's a few times a week.

Visiting from SITS.

Marie said...

Going to bed is the worst when hubs is out of town, but everything else is kind of nice..I resort to my single days of eating alot less and if I only want popcorn for dinner that is what I have. ;)

divinepainter said...

You have a great writing style... your blog read like we are friends having a chat. Fun stuff! Visiting from SITS. Happy blogging.

Kimberly Davis said...

Happy SITS day :)
My hubby travels for work, and the worst part is the trash! I HATE emptying the trash, so I make sure he empties it before he leaves, and I do my best to compress everything done so that it doesn't NEED to be emptied until he gets back. Silly, I know.

Anonymous said...

Awww, you made me smile. Hope he comes home to you soon. Happy SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my first visit to Lollygag Blog via SITS. I love your sense of humour and your blog - my children are grown and grandchildren are coming along now but the days of husband being away while I fended for myself and five little'uns in my case, resonates with me! Isn't it odd how one's body just knows when that other person is not there for the whole night and hasn't just fallen asleep on the sofa? I regularly used to be unable to sleep until the dawn chorus began and I could stop imagining ghosts/burglars and strange bumps in the night. Congratulations on your SITS Day - I shall be back! :-)

Unknown said...

Funny!! And I'm reading this from the Charlotte airport because I'm traveling for work... leaving my husband all alone for the week. I have a feeling that he is not going to do the laundry at 7am...

stopping by from sits!

Christina Simon said...

Visiting you from SITS. I totally get your post. My husband used to do a lot of international travel. I was always so worried when he was gone. The only time it was relaxing was when the kids went to be and I could read a magzine!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your SITS spotlight. I love your blog. Thanks for the chance to share my "fots" with you. :)

mypixieblog said...

I'm stopping in from SITS today. It sounds as though you are getting a LOT accomplished with your hubby out of town. I feel as though I would sleep late and let the laundry spill out of the baskets :)

Hope you enjoyed the weekend!

Just Me said...

So Awesome! I am in chicago too, maybe we can lollygag around the zoo

Angie said...

I found your site on the SITS site. Love it!