Wednesday, March 7, 2012

She's Not A Monster. She's Just Drowsy.

8:46am: Dumped cats' water bowl out. (On cats.)

9:03am: Dumped out contents of dresser onto floor. (Are you sad, Mommy?)

9:39am: Dumped self onto floor. Split lip. Bled. Cried about bleeding.

10:02am: Asleep in car during three minute drive to Playgroup. 

10:03am: Keely realizes that her Godzilla is actually a Sleeping Beauty.


Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

I would say she's just busy. Enjoy these days ... they don't last forever.

Keely said...

Oh, I'm trying. That was my mantra as I refolded all of those pants. ;)

coolchange58 said...

Sometimes you just need to try and stop and hug and cancel your day, can't always do that later as they grow (well you can but it gets harder) hug her for me and miss coco too. xxx (you too)

Unknown said...

lol this is funny