Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Big Reveal! Kinda!

Now, for your voyeuristic/cautionary tale approval, I give you: 
Two Of The Five Gutted Rooms, All [We Hope] Done. (Forever And Ever, Amen.)

Shall we jaunt back down the stinky, depressing, covered-in-tears Memory Lane? (Please forgive the iPhone photos. Why yes, I do have a camera so advanced it could land a jet...but I think it's in storage. So, no flash it is!)

First, the bathroom.
The cesspool that started it all. Good God, that thing
looks like the beginning of a horror film.

The bathroom, all torn to shreds. Please note, however,
that the toilet paper stayed intact throughout. WHY?!

The beginning of the end [of the walls].

New floor! And some sorta prep work for the walls. That took
3 weeks. (You really don't wanna rush these things.)

But- oh my stars- what a shiny new bathroom! (If you disregard
the janky blinds! Which we clearly did!)

Someone is happy with her new mirror/
sconces/shower tile. Okay, it's me.

Now, the family room!
Old family room, looking towards the hall and
stairs. Not pictured: a Precious Moments fan pull.
Very pictured: Miami hotel tile, circa 1963.

Same view, but new wood-grain porcelain tile!
And new Buckwheat Flour (?) walls!

Aaand, full of our stuff again.

Same room, to the lefthand side.
Nora refuses to leave this room.

Old view of the family room, looking out onto the street.
Sweet bell peppers, that floor was awful.

New floor! New walls! New- hey wait, why did the
contractors put ALL of our stuff on that couch?

Ah, that's better. Nice and jammy-packedy.
And it's not dark at all- in fact, it's so bright that my
iPhone cam couldn't handle its luminescence. 
Stay tuned for rooms 3 through 5! Nora won't be in those pictures, however. She's not moving from the train table.

Because you never know.


coolchange58 said...

awesome and hooray. Looks lovely, can't wait to check it all out in person x

Sarah said...

Okay, the redos look AWESOME, but obviously my fav part is the incredible NEON GREEN abc mat! Where is THAT in the design books?! :)

Keely said...

@Sarah- Only Amazon's finest. ;)