Thursday, July 19, 2012

Unleashing My Spawn On The 'Hood.


Yesterday, as the girls and I were wrapping up a quick grocery run to our neighborhood Cermak, a woman absolutely astounded me with an Out Of Left Field, You Said What kinda comment.

(Nothing should surprise me anymore. But it still does.)

Here's the scene: Me, clutching a bag of various produce and various meats, and The Girls, sitting quietly in their double stroller. Susannah was sucking her thumb and snuggling her monkey. Nora was contemplating the Velcro on her shoe.

Not a peep out of any one of us.

As we made our way through the checkout line (because, yes, I happen to possess a killer double stroller that fits through single doors and ramps and checkout lines), the lady working the register gave me a triple-take.

"No more babies for YOU!"

Say- wha? Really? Why? What? Did something just occur that should've made me regret all of my life decisions? (I hate when I miss those.)

I didn't even answer. I just smiled. The girls continued to not do anything loud and/or offensive.

The woman went on to say how hard my day must be, and how crazy it is to have so many babies! (Because apparently, two kids spaced two years apart is the new Duggar.)

I was then informed that she had had her kids in her teens. When she had more energy. (Can you imagine if I had commented on my choices versus her high school pregnancies?)

All the while I kept smiling, occasionally saying something inane like "We have a good time," and "Oh, yes- energy." Because I am a polite person. I hate confrontation. And this woman was clearly bananasauce.

At the end of this exchange, the shoe that Nora had been playing with fell from the stroller. The woman gave me a look, as if to say "You see?"

I thanked her for double-bagging the watermelon half we had purchased. Carefully placed the rest of the groceries underneath the stroller. And replaced Nora's shoe.

As we left, I saw the woman shaking her head in disbelief and/or pity. I could only imagine what was going through her head; this poor, ancient, exhausted woman and her two squalling she-demons, slogging their way through the misery of an endless Wednesday.

Maybe they'll take up a collection.


Alison said...

Oh wow, people really have no filter between their brains and their mouths do they?

Why is it so unusual to do groceries with two children? The only unusual thing I find here is that both your kids were behaving :)

Kathy V. said...

Yes, I'm sure you beat yourself up every day for not skipping college in order to make babies. And lordy! TWO of them? Are you trying to populate a PLANET? Don't answer that.

coolchange58 said...

Yikes is right! It takes all kinds as nana would say. Although I must say, my grandbabies are not spawn. They are your offspring, part of our legacy and the most beautiful granddaughters around... but spawn.. nope.

Keely said...

Alison- Crazy, right? I wanted to point out all of the children climbing on the shelves. For real.

Kathy- That's my plan. My sloooooow plan. Also, I wanted to tell her that I had been waiting for, you know, the guy with whom I was gonna have these kids. But that seemed too much like "engaging" on my part.

And Mom- of COURSE they're not spawn! Nor was I "unleashing" them on the neighborhood!

regina said...

Oh I've had this conversation! Though refer to eoin as "oh you must have been trying for a girl huh"...also I can't get past the stroller that fits in the checkout aisle....

Susi said...

You can't be serious? Some people really should just keep their thoughts to themselves. I, like you, would just smile and nod and blow of steam after the fact! Coming over from S.I.T.S. Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

My TWO boys were overly excited in the dairy isle one day and a man went out of his way to come up to me and say "'you should have another one". I was so taken back that it took me a minute to be offended LOL. Then I lied and told him I had 3 more in the car and intended on having more. :) People are rediculous. Though you're correct in knowing that ANY response to that woman would've been her welcome mat to the door of further speaking to you. Good call!
Nikki Lee

Unknown said...

I always say consider the source. She sounds a lot of some of crazy, which I am guessing could be the result of having multiple children when you are a teenager, just sayin! Thanks for making me laugh this was great especially your last paragraph! Dang funny! Thanks for the laugh!