Monday, September 24, 2012

Cincinnati In REALLY Short Spurts.

Due to my jaw-dropping new levels of lazitude, I'm feelin' more like posting a few of my favorite pix from this past weekend (as opposed to blathering on for a thousand words) AND haven't had a chance to watermark any of these photos, either. So, if you're like the one person who keeps trying to steal these me a solid today and leave 'em alone, yeah? 

Without further ado (oh, who am I kidding- there's always "ado" for days around here)...I present to you: Pictures From Our 36 Hour Jaunt To Cincinnati In Order To FINALLY Meet The Newest Members Of The Family. 

A bluegrass festival was attended. Nora, who protested her nap for a goodly two hours,
fell asleep as we hit the parking lot. Peej, ever-game, laid on the steps with her like a
good pair of street urchins. Susannah looks really weirded out.

Oh, Pop-Pop. You're hilarious.

I love this pic because they look a) simultaneously really
involved in something,and b) like a pair of twins, size-wise.

Everyone spent the festival teaching the baby how to toast her
sippy and yell "cheers!" THANKS, EVERYONE.

Dorrie is the Pied Piper. Boden, Mikey, Nora, and baby
Finn are having a blast. Dorrie is more than a little dizzy.

The babies themselves! Peej's Mom snuggles Rian, while P.J. holds Miss Finley.
(Note- I did not try to steal them, but I did spend an inordinate amount of time smelling
their baby heads. Seriously, people, seriously. Baby Head Smell.)

Zuzu gives pat-pat-pats to Grandma Jane. (Which is good, because Nora roundly snubbed Grandma in
favor of attempting to fall into the fish pond. She later came back with a dandelion for her-
to match her sweater- but then promptly took it back to give to me. So, uh, thank you
Susannah. Way to bring a little charm to this team.)


coolchange58 said...

Great pics, sounds like a very busy fun filled weekend.

Alison said...

I know all about the baby head smell. I'm intoxicated. Such cute uns you got there!

Keely said...

The baby head thing should be bottled. Wait. That sounds waaay creepier than intended.