Monday, September 3, 2012

'Not Gonna Labor' Day.

In honor of Labor Day, I'm gonna do what I do every Monday of a long weekend:

Complain that we didn't get as much done as I had wanted...
And wonder why I completely lose my drive and energy as soon as there's one more adult in the house.

Don't be like me. Enjoy this day to its fullest! Eat some ice cream.

Stop and smell the flowers.

And don't even think about doing the laundry.


Alison said...

OMG the flower in nose picture is so funny!!

I hope you just lounge around on top of your laundry eating ice cream with a flowers in your nose.

turtle mama said...

Oops. I'm on my second load right now! There WILL be ice cream, though. :)

Keely said...

May we all be so lucky. (It's traditional.)