Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What A Charming Little Hoarder.

And now, a smattering of the kitchen cabinets that are abysmally disorganized and full of weird junk. (Don't worry, I'm purging the oddities as I go. I'm not just, like, hoarding and cataloging. Much.)

Here's first of three cabinets which house our seltzer. THREE. Ain't no one needs that much seltzer. And there are so many random boxes of stuff all shoved in here- this, our narrowest cabinet- that the box of stretch fruit got compromised. Poor stretch fruit.

And ah yes, my pride n' joy- The Island Of Misfit Kitchen Stuff. Let's see; we've got three more bottles of seltzer, a repeatedly glued and repeatedly shattered ceramic tray (wholly unfit for future food service), Mugsy Balone over there in the corner, a baby cup sans handles (rendering it a pretty awful "baby cup"), a jug of popcorn shoved onto its side, sample tiles that we never ended up going with for the downstairs bathroom...and a shoebox that contains- I KID YOU NOT- the contents of our previous apartment's junk drawer. 
But fear not, for here's the first pile of stuff banished from the kitchen. (Well, "first," as long as you don't count the major purge I did a few months back. I'm rather impressed/dismayed that this stuff all made the first cut. Like, "Oh no, I'll be needing that tile. Right there. No, don't move it. I make all of my bathroom tiling decisions on the kitchen floor.") It's all safely on the other side of the baby gate...

...Where it'll remain until it gets moved to the garage to languish.

Baby steps.


Alison said...

So what DO you do with all that Seltzer?

The last picture made me laugh, because I just pictured you picking up random stuff and throwing it over the gate like a mad woman.

coolchange58 said...

awesome, I want to see the finished cabinets. You are my like with like girl, you have taught me a lot x

Keely said...

I use it to polish all of my diamonds. (Also- that image of things being thrown over the gate? Accurate.)

Keely said...

EVERYONE- My mother just said that I was PERFECT!