Monday, October 1, 2012

When Did Monday Become "Photo Essay" Day?

It's now officially Fall, so this weekend was mandatory Drive Your Kids Across State Lines For Apple Pickin' Day (Observed). We went to a super sweet orchard in Hobart, Indiana, and had a great time- even though there weren't any actual "apples" on the "trees." Due to the awful growing season, they had to think outside the box. Er, branch. 

So they rigged- I kid you not- gutters between the trees and filled them with apples from all over the Midwest so people could still feel like they were "picking." The gals all had an amazing time because, while living in our neighborhood, they've seen far weirder things hanging from trees and houses and cars. 

And as my friend Tim observed- Bad season for the apple growers. Excellent season for the plastic gutter industry.

Mom, I have ONE tooth.

Apple Dumpling herself.

Confused Dumpling.

C'mere, doll. Eat this thing in your face.

Hey big girls- can I have some?

No, for real...can I have one?



Fine. Here. Eat this apple. Just take it.



Alison said...

Dying of the cute.

Jennie Jen said...

L O V E!!

coolchange58 said...

Very cute but too bad. We have tons here in the Berkshires! Come home :)

Nat Thongchai said...

Happy Face :)

Keely said...

@Alison- Whatta way to go.

@Jennie- Thanks! I kinda feel the same.

@Mom- Well, we were already one hour into the drive back east, so it WAS contemplated...

@Nat- Back atcha.