Monday, December 17, 2012

Keely "Works Out" With PvBody.

I don't think it'll ever feel right getting back to the business of, well, business. So please know that, while I post about daily randomness, my positively edible children, and products I find diggable, not an hour goes by where I don't pray and mourn the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary. Donate, hold someone's hand, and love one another.

My general workout “routine” consists of the following amalgamation of physical activities: occasional [treasured, coveted] Pilates class, being berated by the Wii Fit, and sprinting up stairs (three at a time) at the first sound of “uh oh.” And it takes a special type of gear to look and feel good while doing all of that.

So I was beyond excited to receive a specially selected outfit from pvBody (a wickedly cool site for handpicked workout gear at a fraction of the price) after taking their quick n’ easy personal style quiz. I answered questions about my activity level, my color/pattern preference, where I dig working out, and so on.

Not me. Sigh.

And even with my bizarre choices, they handpicked a set of workout gear just for me, questionable workout methods and all. And then it arrived. And I was stoked to start working out(ish) again.

But then P.J. was stuck at work for an extra hour, so my inaugural act of Physical Activity While Wearing A PvBody Outfit was…bathing my two children. (During which time I may actually have pulled a muscle.)

But the next day- oh, the next day! I found myself with a small pocket of time while Nora was in preschool and during Zuzu’s morning nap…so I worked the heck out of something. The time spent and/or activity chosen is irrelevant. What MATTERS is…that I looked awesome. Because they had sent me a purty powder blue fitted tank from NUX- and it was loooong. (Oh, how I love clothes that don’t become belly shirts.) And my leggings were shiny black and from American Apparel. The reinforced top reached high on the waist, which is awesome if- say- someone has had two c-sections and would like things to remain roughly where they ought to be, thankyouverymuch.

Pro tip: If you take a pic above your head, you look skinnier.
Also, good LORD is that mirror dirty.

I felt so good post-workout that I kept my gear on while I readied Susannah for school pickup (Nora’s only in school for 2.5 hours at a time, people), and these looking awesome/feeling cute endorphins powered my commute-

-All the way to the tamale stand on my corner. And then I went and got my kid.

But I looked good doing that, too.

(Hey, want to try it out for yourself? As a special offer, I get to provide my readers with a $15 Lululemon gift card and 25% off your first month's subscription when you sign up here. Awesomesauce, I know.)


Easy peasy lemon squeezy: pvBody is easy. Take the quiz, sign up and boom, an awesome package arrives at your door each month with a hand picked outfit for you! Every outfit is styled just for you by a pvBody expert. Each month you receive an outfit worth $150, but you pay just $49.95. You’re getting great, quality pieces for a fraction of the retail cost thanks to the relationships pvBody has built.

pvBody is not just another clothing company, but a lifestyle brand. Their blog is a great place to check out tips and tricks for healthy, delicious meals and at home workouts.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of pv.body. The opinions and text are all mine.


Alison said...

Gah you skinny. :)

Keely said...

Alison- we're best friends. (Also- it's the over the head pose, I SWEAR it.)

coolchange58 said...

Looking good x