Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm Sorry, WHAT Was A Weekend?

What do you mean, you need to "shower?"

On Friday night, Nora threw up. (Alllll over P.J.) And as we cleaned her- and the kitchen, and the tub, and ourselves- up, I wondered...was this what Friday night had become? Two consecutive Friday nights with undigested pasta, boiling hot faces, and people screaming every two hours...

This is the worst discotheque I've ever attended.

Saturday brought the diagnosis of an ear infection. And with it, more antibiotics, more kiddo ibuprofen, more kiddo Tylenol, more children skipping their midday naps, more purple Popsicles, and the exact same episodes of Dora the Explorer. 

That night, there was also a slight uptick in the amount of alcoholic beverages poured. (Very rapidly. Because- why are people awake again?!)

There was a marked downshift in the output of completed scenes. (Unless you're the among the producer/director/company members staging my show in a really short amount of time. Then- Oh my God, you guys. This play is totally awesome and stupidly close to being done! Forever!)

Susannah is in the Totally Better, Except Still A Liiiittle Off phase of things. You know the kind. No fever, no symptoms, eating and drinking like a champ...but CANNOT BE MORE THAN HALF AN INCH FROM YOUR NOSTRILS AT ALL TIMES. Or it's a freakout fest of velociraptor proportions.

I expect Nora will be there in a day and a half. As will my completed script. I totally promise.

I hope you guys enjoy ridiculously awesome dialogue and gripping character development.

Printed on paper slightly dampened by Ugly Tears.


coolchange58 said...

And those are PJ's ugly tears? Get well, stay well, hug and sleep when you are able.

The Preppy Girl in Pink said...

Ash is home sick today...again! One of my girls is well and the other is sick and then they rotate. I'm exhausted too because I still haven't fully recovered from the germs that waged a war on us over the holidays. I'm tempted to keep them home for a week and let their immune systems fully repair but the school would not be happy about it.
Well wishes to all!

Amy @ Counting My Kisses said...

Oh good God, I hear you. O wrapped up her antibiotics for an ear infection on Saturday, and roughly 4 hours later H-Berry came down with some sort of stomach bug. I can't wait for it to rampage through our entire family...


Also, lots of hugs headed your way! I commiserate like whoa.

Keely said...

I hate to call a man out- but yes. Yes they are.

Keely said...

Back atcha! And isn't it funny how stressed we get about keeping them home...knowing full well that other parents don't want our sicky kids at school?

Keely said...

The sister handoff needs to stop, for seriously. Stay strong.

Alison said...

Commiserations, my friend. I had a 16.5 hour day on Monday, with one sick kid and one clingy toddler. I couldn't even go to the bathroom. Dude.

Keely said...

What is HAPPENING?! Even across the world, Moms cannot get a break from this sickness. (Nor can they pee.)