Thursday, April 4, 2013

18 Months.

Susannah Mae- Suzy, Zuzu, The Zu, Monkey, Buttercup, Little Baby Seester-

Happy 18 months. This milestone is huge for so many reasons, among them the fact that you're no longer a baby and we get to stop annoying non-parents by counting your age with months. (Hey kid- you're one and a half! Wicked.)

Ready for anything.

You are awesomely smart and alarmingly impish. You climb- Good Lord, you climb. Before you came along and other parents bemoaned their little cabinet scalers, part of me thought to myself- Why don't you just tell them no? (Hahahaha.)

You know the word "no." You know time outs. But you also know body parts and animal sounds and what to say when your sister runs into a wall. ("Icee?") You've got buckets of empathy and the easiest laugh this side of vaudeville. You are a clown and a [momentary] thumbkin snuggle and a tiny dancer, spinning and singing soft la la las to yourself behind the curtain.

We love when you act out pages of stories as your Dad reads them to you. We love when you call hippos "hippies." (Because you know what? Maybe they are.) And we love when you stare at your sister with absolute hero worship, ready to squeeze yourself into an impossibly small space at her say so.

Today was your first gymnastics class and, as 18 months was the final cut-off, you were absolutely, positively the youngest one there. But I didn't worry. Because I know you never do.

Strong like bull.

When your teacher asked you to hop up on the high mats, plant those hands and pike, you did it. Never mind how on Earth you learned what "piking" was (although I suspect your sister), I was wildly impressed/not surprised/rather fearful that you just WENT for it.

I hope you always do.

Unless you're diving from cliffs or speeding around a racetrack. Then, I advise you to either wear the maximum amount of protective gear allowed by law, or simply paint a watered-down account for your mother after the fact.

I thank you in advance.

And hey, take your time on that whole race towards "two." I know you won't- because you don't pull any punches with races-

But let's both just pretend that you will.

(I love you, Monkey.)


coolchange58 said...

crying and laughing. She is wonderfully wonderful Happy 18 months Suzy Q xox

Alison said...

Love her face. Happy 18 months Zuzu! said...

So sweet!

Tracie Nall said...

This is awesome. Happy 18 months!

Sili said...

I love this! And I know how you feel. Stopping by from the SITS Sharefest.

Here's hoping they keep some things to themselves. My kid loves been thrown around and actually takes great pleasure in saying "Mami, look!" just to see the look of terror on my face. What's up with that?!

Jen@Making Our Life Matter said...

What a precious picture! Brings a smile to my face! Stopping in from the #SITSSharefest

Jessica Smock said...

It's such a magical age! She's simply adorable! Enjoy the next months... My son is almost 2 and these toddler months go by so fast!

Kim@Co-Pilot Mom said...

What awesome photos. They don't stop with the racing, do they?

Sandra Kohlmann said...

There is no doubt that she's a monkey. What a sweet pea! If you figure out how to get your little one to slow time, please share the secret! My girls are growing too fast!

Keely said...

Isn't she the bestest?

Keely said...

She's got a good one, for sure. (And thanks!)

Keely said...

Thank you so much!

Keely said...

She accepts- and thanks you. ;)

Keely said...

Thanks for stopping by! And for real- what IS that look? Sigh.

Keely said...

Aw, appreciated. And thanks for stopping by!

Keely said...

Thank you! And I'll be sure to let you know- because I'm sure I'll figure it out. Soon, hopefully. Sheesh, hopefully.

Keely said...

Thank you, Jessica! It's truly one of my favorite ages- even when she's climbing the curtains.

Keely said...

I'm waiting. My oldest is 3.5. And no, not yet. Sigh.