Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day, Benders, And Quality Time.

I realize that I'm a tad belated in my Father's Day post- but a lot has been happening 'round here.

Per ejemplo, Peej kicked off his Father's Day weekend a little early with a Friday night pre-bachelor party bachelor party for one of his best friends. And since this is a family blog, I won't tell you what time he fumbled with the lock/poked at the security system/faceplanted downstairs- nor what condition he was in. (Side note to our mothers: 9pm! And sober as a judge!)

It sorta set the tone for the rest of the weekend, as he was out the door by 10:30am to start the "real" bachelor party. God bless America, I have no idea how he was functioning well enough to even board the #78 bus. (Extra Dad of the Year points? He made pancakes at 8am with both girls "helping.")

That day's bachelor party lasted until roughly 3am. Five hours later, he was awake and celebrating Father's Day with his girls, who couldn't wait to tell him that it was indeed Father's Day. (I let him sleep in and I held off the girls as long as I could- I'm not a monster.)

P.J.spent the day laying in the backyard with the girls (perhaps out of necessity?) and playing countless games with them. He spearheaded a trip to the park, pulled the wagon, and championed Zuzu climbing things by herself (because she's gotta learn).

Look away, Mom. This is Dad Business.

He even helped the girls take a nap. Like, by showing 'em how it was done.

And even though he was probably desperate to sleep through 'til Tuesday, he rallied to spend the rest of the evening with me. Without even snoring or doing that odd thing where he half-sleep talks at me about  nonsensical tax and kitten issues.

And I appreciate that.

I also appreciate how completely cray-cray he is about his daughters- and this new little Roo on the way. I love how PlayDoh and fairy tea parties will always take precedence over "the game." (Or- let's be honest- "Jeopardy.")

And I adore how- on a day which provided the options to do anything in the world he wanted (including sleep the day away)- he chose to play with his kids. And this, on the heels of a week which included the opening of his new show and a couple of debaucherous days, is rather impressive.

So Happy Father's Day, Peej. (And to my Dad. And P.J.'s Dad. And all of the uncles and godparents and "uncles" and exceptional men in our life.)

Thanks for redefining fatherhood, manhood, and the limitations of sleep.

Because Good Lord.

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