Friday, June 28, 2013

Hyundai's Epic Playdate- Part 2!

Remember way back when I posted about super-stellar playdates as part of the Hyundai Epic Playdate contest/extravaganza? Well, a) the one in Santa Barbara, CA, happened and was a blast, and b) the fun's still going on so I was asked to blog about even more awesomesauceitude re: the perfect playdate with my miniature partygoers.

'Cause lets be honest- some people really know how to put the adept in playdate...if you're into anagrams...and you don't use all the letters...

ANYWAY. To check out what uber-blogger Dooce's epic playdate entailed, check out her post here, and her vid of her day at Arches National Park in Utah with her kiddos.

So my initial dream playdate with the girls was at the beach and involved a rather heavy emphasis on summertime treats. And while that's certainly still the most epic of epic...

...I've also been having thoughts about The Country. Specifically, letting them run amok in The Country without fear of semis and trains and pollution and excessive noise and Good Lord, put that down, I don't want that anywhere NEAR your face. (No, but, for real, I love the city. Love it. Totally in love.)

These girls are seriously ready to party. Especially in the Out of Doors.

Our epic country playdate would involve wild, rolling fields. Willow trees under which we could nap and read and picnic. A [smallish] pond for tadpole-catching, barefoot-splashing and, if you happen to be Susannah, face-snorkeling. Could there be a pony or two for riding? There should be a pony or two for riding. Heck, let's throw in some docile bunnies for patting. And just like that- we've added a free range petting zoo.

It will be potluck- and all of you will have brought amazing things, for you're all terrific and diverse cooks. Friends will also have brought bins of books and blankets and soccer balls (not to be used too close to the bunnies) and their own barefoot children.

The more the merrier.

Especially since I'm gonna need some help wrangling my kid out of the pond.

What would your epic playdate entail/Can I come?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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