Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Went To Sweet Suite '13 & All I Got Was This Lousy Night Of Insane Fun.

Here's what happens when I get invited to spifftacular social media events:

I turn into Wayne Campbell, a la Wayne's World, flashing my media badge backstage at the Alice Cooper concert. ("Is this cool?" "Is this good here?")

I have zero shame, and even less regret.

On July 26th, I was lucky enough to attend The Big Toy Book Sweet Suite '13, hosted by a plethora of amazingsauce people: Joey Fortman of Real Mom Media, Charlene DeLoach of Charlene Chronicles, Laurie Schacht of The Toy Insider Mom and, of course, The Big Toy Book.

It was ridiculous. Basically, I was there to play with everything new n' shiny in the world of toys, and babble like a toddler about my favorites. Here are a few:

Someone buy this My Girl's Dollhouse for me? I'll be your best friend and
even let you come over and watch me arrange furniture and dolls in it.

This is my "I'm sorry, little kids get LeapPad Ultra tablets that could, like, land a jet?" face. 

Thanks to MegaBloks and Hot Wheels, I created the fastest racer in the known world

And my swag "bag?" It was actually a box. A swag box. Shipped to my house because it was too large and full of awesome to be toted home.

Yeah, I wasn't the only one thrilled to bits by this event.

I vote the Sweet Suite ladies for mayor(s).

You could say I had a decently incredible time. If you'd like to see what other lucky/hyped-up bloggers chose as highlights of this supracool event, head to Twitter and check out the hashtag #SweetSuite13. And if you wanna see what you didn't even know you so desperately needed for your kids' toy needs (or your own- I am so in no position to judge), take a lookie loo at The Big Toy Book. You can even ask me to go on (and on and on) about my favorites.

Unless you want to know more about the humongo My Girl's Dollhouse.

It's not your style.

You don't need it.

Trust me.

You're welcome.

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