Now granted, with a preschooler in three-mornings-a week school and both kids in one-afternoon-a-week gymnastics, we're not exactly Booked City (...but the every couple of hours commuting is downright truckertastic).
And when they've got stuff to do/prep/be carted to, it's a tad tougher to schedule my own stuff to do/prep/cart myself to. I know- wah- but it's definitely forcing me to enjoy every last second.
Which I realize totally defeats the purpose. (After all, I did write this piece right here earlier this very summer.)
But there are a few more days where we could- feasibly- spend some morning hours at our neighborhood beach.
Check out that one splash park we've been meaning to stomp through.
That summer concert series has just one more performance this season...and it wouldn't be beyond the scope of imagination to throw some sandwiches in a backpack for picnicking.
Come on, Zu, the rest of summer's this way. |
And I bet our backyard would appreciate another blanket faceplanting session. (I think I heard it say it hopes someone will nap there this afternoon.)
Ambitious, I know. But I think the girls and I have it in us to squeeze the last bits of unfettered fun outta this summer. I'll keep you posted.
As soon as I put some pants on my children.
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