Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh...boy. It's, uh, January.

Wow! Have things changed in the past week or WHAT? I've been told to "stay positive," so, um, here goes.

Bad news: LOOKS LIKE WE'RE NOT SO MUCH BUYING A HOUSE. The seller is potentially a psychopath and an ex Chicago cop who isn't crazy digging the idea of giving us his mother's home anymore. Apparently we have offended him. (When an employee of the city of Chicago shows displeasure with you, I've learned it's best to walk away slowly with your hands in non-threatening positions.) Also, we may have to eat the better part of our initial costs: inspection, mortgage application, lawyer, therapy. 

Good news: No one has subletted our apartment yet so we are not homeless! And, uh, other positive things! Also on the bright side, I seem to have shaken this incredible need to bash my head into the floor like a tweaked-out toddler. And the tears are beginning to subside. But I'm optimistic that the deal could still work out!

Bad news: My new script outline got ripped a new one in our last Local 75 meeting.

Good news: The tears are beginning to subside! And, since I pretty much know who the murderer is and have a decent handle on the plot, I'm feeling confident that I can have a completely new, streamlined, utterly different story by next Friday if I quit my three jobs.

Bad news: My Blackberry, a source of utter goodness in my world, really, really doesn't want to allow any functions to, um, function. Since November 6th.

Good news: After calling T-Mobile for two straight months, dealing with incompetent Wicker Park salespeople and infuriating "customer care" representatives, I finally met a gem of an employee. After being transferred for two straight hours one evening and being told that since my warranty had expired there was nothing anyone could do, I reached this amazing lady we'll call Mother Theresa. Now Theresa was sympathetic- and a Blackberry owner!- and asked if she could transfer me ONE MORE TIME. I almost lost my marbles (and my sunny demeanor) but agreed. When the next person picked up, she informed me that SINCE I HAD EXTENDED WARRANTY COVERAGE (I do not), I WAS ELIGIBLE FOR A FREE REPLACEMENT. With free shipping. I can only assume that Theresa took pity on me and added the warranty to my account. I just received my new phone and am thoroughly enjoying scrolling from side to side, up and down, and being allowed to call people whose numbers I do not have memorized. 

Bad news: I have quite possibly gained ten pounds since this summer. When I mention this to people they inform me that, "yeah, it happens after 25 and it's impossible to bounce back the way you used to." This is not helpful. 

Good news: Part of my Christmas present from Peej was private Pilates lessons from our amazing pal Natalie (who is studying to become the Jack LaLanne of my universe- I almost typed 'Jack Palance.' That's weird.) Had the first session last night and I succeeded in not snapping my body in half on the Reformer. Seriously, I was in a sling. And another sling. And my back was sliding around on a cross between a rowboat and a rocketship. It was FANTASTIC. I already lost about twenty pounds. No, for real.

Bad news: It's January, twenty below (for non-Chicagoans, yes, that's with the Wind Chill), and dark at 4:30pm. 

Good news: I'm healthy, have a great husband who tolerates an astounding amount of emotional roller-coasting in a given day- who just asked if I'd like to extend our March Los Angeles trip up to Napa for a week (yes)- the kiddos I nanny for are nothing but fun (example: I was getting 4 year old Chance dressed this morning and asked if the underwear he had on were new, meaning clean, and he gave me a surprised look. "Of course they're new, Kiki- Mommy just got them from the Gap!") and my family and friends are all doing (or working towards) things they love. Not too shabby. 

(But if it's all the same to you, I'd like to skip ahead to spring.)


coolchange58 said...

Slipping ahead anywhere sounds good but since there will be lots of exciting stuff in a few weeks.. we must trudge along. Have I ever mentioned that you are a good writer? You just have to write creatively and quickly. Hey, you are a speed reader, so that probably goes hand in hand with speed writing and therefore should not be a problem.
For my part, I just took pictures of turkeys in the trees! 27 of them. They are drunk! Right in my neighborhood. Now THAT is something to consider!

Nicole said...

Keep your chin up! :) All will be good. Everything happens for a reason and I'm sure there is a better place waiting out there for you guys. Winter in Jan/Feb/March can be crappy but soon it will be SPRING. SOON! Just keep saying it til you believe it and it's time :)