Monday, April 15, 2013

California, A Wedding, And Some Stoked Little Girls.

Since I'm still very much so in the midst of California-vacationin', here's a sneak peek of the awesomeness that has been this week. For starters, I attended a wicked beautiful wedding of some college pals. The venue was on a gorgeous Southern California bluff overlooking the ocean where I kinda want to have my next wedding. (Take notes, Peej. If you're lucky, it'll be to you.) 

There was dancing (led largely by my three year-old). There was fabulousness with friends. And, if you were a certain attendee, there were naps.

Um, you said ALL the single ladies, right?

Nora knows some nice people.

The beautiful bride and groom, a beaming friend, and the love between a girl and her cupcake.


Y'all, dance like this.

Weddings are simply exhausting.
Happy wedding, Wilder and Barb. Even happier marriage. (And lots n' lots of naps.) 


Alison said...

Aw, your girls are so sweet!

Keely said...

They do clean up nicely, huh?