Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Dad Doesn't Embarrass Easily.

Hangin' with da ladies.
Hey Dad,

Thanks for making us feel like we were exactly where you wanted to be on a Saturday night. (I mean, I know it's true, but still. We could get a little trying. Kate especially.)

Thanks for taking me to the drugstore after I got my first period and for acting so cool about the whole thing. I'm sure that's where you wanted to be on a Saturday night.

Thanks for not leaving me at Edaville Railroad that one time when I pitched the mother of all tantrums.

Ditto for that wedding where I got into the bowl of grapes and subsequently needed to be dealt with.

Thanks for always answering your phone at work, even when you know I'm calling to cry about grout or have a suspicious question about power tools.

Thanks for reading this during your 8th round of chemo and rolling your eyes at me at this very moment.

And thanks for agreeing to get better super soon. Because we have lots more adventures ahead of us.

And there are so many places from which I have yet to be carried out kicking and screaming.


anniecm said...

Mr. Flynn, for that drugstore trip alone you deserve a major Awesome Dad award. But it sounds like your kids have already bestowed that award on you. Keep fighting! (And what exactly happened with that bowl of grapes, Keely???)

coolchange58 said...

Thanks Keely, This made our otherwise long and tiring day.

tunamelt said...

That is what REAL Dads do - you and your sisters are blessed with the REAL McCOY! hats off to Dave during this round....get 'er done!

Alison said...

I want to know about that bowl of grapes.
Your dad is a trooper!!