Monday, June 24, 2013

Dave Flynn, Champion Of All Of It.

Despite Susannah spending a goodly bit of our Saturday in the ER (and spending a goodly bit of time fraying my nerves) for a mild concussion- p.s. She's fine- last week was one of my favorite weeks in the history of ever.

Why? Oh, maybe it has something to do with the fact that my Dad's post-chemo scans came back with the best possible news for a dude with his type and scale of cancer:

-His markers are at a really low point (exceptional in terms of cancer), with most at the "normal" range.
-He can ditch the 48 hour chemo pump and keep up with his maintenance drugs.
-And he's able to stop taking the drug that makes him feel like a polar ice cap.

SO. As long as he keeps his marker numbers low, he's at a super-awesome place in his treatment. Basically, he's the healthiest guy with Stage 4 colon cancer his docs have ever seen. (I'm not surprised; are you surprised?)

I think we can all agree that this [ridonkulously long] round goes to Dave Flynn, King of Awesome.

This guy.

Let's all celebrate with a gigantic bowl of ice cream. Which he can now eat/enjoy/go back for seconds.

'Cause yeah. A very good week.

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