Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Freaky Rivet Wants To Help Your Kid Be An Awesome Person.

You know I love me some kiddo activities, right? And you know how much I love sharing super-stellar companies that come my way. And I know you know there's only so many times* you can play Memory in a given day.

So I recently signed up with Freaky Rivet, a truly hilarious (and inspiring!) site designed to get your children up and at 'em- and their sticky hands off of your techie gadgets. In the words of its' creators, Freaky Rivet is "on a mission to get kids moving, creating and exploring." A lot of their projects and ideas are free. A few other things are subscription-based and cost an itty bitty bit more. Some recently featured activities have included learning how to walk like Spiderman, taking some science to the kitchen and making raisins dance, and creating a butterfly rainforest any ol' place you wanna put it. (Like in the master bedroom. Sorry, Peej.)

It's not that they don't embrace technology, it's just that they want to level the playing field and remind kiddos (and their overworked parents) that the Out Of Doors is a fairly nice place to be. (As the Mom of a toddler who believes that Dora lives in my phone, this is helpful.)

So go check them out for more info! (Now, or later via that cute little sidebar ad I've got goin'.) Future plans for this company? They're in the process of creating city-specific itineraries and have plans to partner with charities, so that Freaky Rivet can fund the activities of even more kiddos. (A current itinerary is called London Spies- heck, I'd do that one even without my kids.) And FYI, annnytime these itineraries happen for Chicago, we'll be at the ready.

(*Seven. The numbers of times you can legally play the game Memory a day is seven.)


Full disclosure: As a new affiliate with the company, I get a couple of bucks kicked my way when you sign up through my links or sidebar ad. Nothing to write home about, but figured you should know in case a) you're wicked keen on honesty and/or b) hugely opposed to me making some money. I totally understand. ...For real. It's fine. Fine. 

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